It All Happens in a Rush

So, I might have mentioned about two weeks ago that I was moving and that is so very true; in just nine short days I will be bound for Virginia and I’ll have to be honest, when I hit the highway I won’t be looking back! I suppose that sounds harsh but honestly, I’ve been waiting for this day for over a year now – my heart hasn’t really been happy in Mississippi and while I’m well aware that moving isn’t a magical cure all, I do know that being with my family makes my heart very happy.

I also have to say, as a child who was raised traveling all over the states I’ve always wanted to live in more than one state – and yes, I was born in California so technically I’ve already lived in more than one state but we moved from California to Mississippi shortly after I turned two and I don’t remember too much of that, so I’m going to say that it doesn’t count. 🙂

As I said, I feel like I’ve been waiting on this for ages – maybe a little more than a year is not actually ages but when you want something and you have to wait for it, I assure you that time doesn’t move as quickly as you’d like. It is funny though, that when it happened…it happened all in a rush. So let me share with you the timeline and story of how quickly things fell into place…with a few funny little someecards thrown in for good measure; because there are too many about moving that are too funny!

Wednesday – Some family friends that I’d not seen in a while messaged me on Facebook to inquire about the house, so I sent the link to the pictures of the house. I didn’t really get too worked up or excited about it because I cannot tell you how many people had asked to see the pictures of the house. I just sent the link and went on about it. Later that night, they messaged me and asked if they could come see the house the next day. I said yes and then…cleaning frenzy!! I keep my house relatively clean as it is, but still…you never know if what you consider clean works for anyone else, you know?

Thursday – I spent most of Thursday feeling slightly anxious; if you all haven’t caught on my now, I can do some worrying. Lord knows it doesn’t help me in the long run and I need to work on it, but I guess we’re all just hard-wired a certain way. Right on cue, my prospective buyers arrived and perused the house with me. They seemed thoroughly impressed with the house and while I love my home, I am always apprehensive when someone else comes to look at it. We talked about the house and they mentioned that they really might be interested; they wanted to bring their daughter by because she would be the one to decide as she would be living in the house. We exchanged numbers and I might have gotten a wee bit excited once they left. I tried to be calm because I’ve gotten excited before, only to be let down – it didn’t help with the calm that two of my friends kept texting me to tell me “this is it…I just know it!”

Friday – My parents arrived in town to visit until Tuesday; I spoke with the potential house buyers and they asked about bringing their daughter by on Saturday. We all agreed that was fine.

Saturday – The couple brought their daughter by on Saturday afternoon and she quickly perused the house. I knew her parents had really seemed to like the house; mostly because they’d told me so but I couldn’t gauge her reaction quite as well. They told us they’d talk about it and let us know something by Monday evening….
Sunday – And so we wait…
Monday – I was completely on edge all day Monday; again I know, I need to chill out. I worked and thought about the house. I went to lunch with my parents and thought about the house. I worked some more and thought about the house. When my Dad picked me up, he said he’d talked to the prospective buyers and they were looking into one or two more things before they let us know for sure and they’d call back that night. He said everything seemed positive and so I calmed down…some…
We went to my cousin’s graduation and throughout all of the celebration, I had that same thought in the back of my mind “is this it…could this be the moment…” I couldn’t not think about it. It was crazy. We went to my cousin’s grad party afterwards and since my Aunt and Uncle live in the land of no cell reception, we had to wait till we got home at about 9:45 to check and see…yep, a missed call. My Dad called back and I made myself busy around the house, completely convinced that they would tell us that they had decided to look elsewhere. My Mom decided to show me the groceries she’d bought for me that day and so as we stood with the refrigerator door open and my Dad stood on the other side of the kitchen counter, things played out like this:
Mom: Do you see, I bought you some chicken and ground beef…there is also sausage…
Dad: *makes big thumbs up sign*
Natalie: Wait, they want the house? That means they want the house??
Dad: *nodding emphatically with a big grin*
Natalie: I get to move??? *tears started to pour down my cheeks…*
Mom: Yes goofy, you get to move. Do you see the sausage I bought you?
Natalie: *now crying like a crazy person, through my tears I say* I see the sausage…and I get to move!
Tuesday – My parents left for home and I was cautiously thrilled to think that I’d join them in just a little over a month…
Wednesday – Still cautiously happy; just waiting for that one more call to let me know everything had gone well at the bank and we’d be all set.
Thursday – The phone call came in; everything went well at the bank and we were all set. We scheduled a moving day for the house of June 12th. My Dad rented a truck for the 10th to move out all my stuff and it suddenly became very real that I was finally, finally getting to move to Virginia.

I write this post today because now the process is almost complete – I met with the girl who is buying my house today and guys, she isn’t buying it – it’s bought! I am officially no longer a homeowner, ha-ha! A moment I’ve been waiting to happen for weeks and months and well, over a year…has happened! I may or may not have listened to the song “Best Day of My Life” on the way back from the Credit Union – and while I’m sure I’ll have days that surpass this one (probably next week when I actually move, ha-ha) for now, it has been pretty close to being the best day of my life!

Cajun Chicken Sausage & Rice

I know – I made some dramatic statement about not being able to blog much but I guess I’ve had more free time on my hands than I thought I would. I somehow seem to have more free time on my hands at work right now than I do at home…and my home might as well be called the land of boxes. Oh Lordy…don’t get me started on that…

I’m trying desperately to get rid of the food I have in my house and I’ve got to pack up the old crock pot soon, so I wondered to myself what might happen if I put chicken and sausage into the crock pot together; kind of a last crock pot meal hurrah/throw it all in the pot. I felt fairly confident that it would turn out just fine and I was not disappointed – so if you want something quick and delicious, then perhaps try this!

Before I dug right in – this was easy and tasted SO good!

What You Need

– 5 or 6 boneless chicken tenders; frozen
– 1 medium link of sausage; frozen
– 16 ounces chicken broth
– 1/2 tbsp onion flakes
– 1/2 tbsp garlic powder
– 1/2 tbsp Cajun style seasoning
Additional Ingredients
– Rice, however you choose to make it…I’m a Minute Rice kind of girl!
– 2 tbsp butter

I mean, deliciousness – it smelled heavenly!

Please excuse my “fine china”…all my real dishes are in boxes…

To Make It

– Throw the chicken tenders and sausage in your crock pot. Sprinkle with the onion flakes, garlic powder and Cajun seasoning. My measurements are just an estimate, if you want it to be more spicy then add away!
– Cover the meat and spices with chicken broth and give it all a good swirl! Cook on low for approximately 8-9 hours. This cooked while I was at work, so it started around 7:30 and I ate it pretty soon after I got home at 5:30.
– After cooking, turn the crock pot to warm. Shred the chicken with a fork and cut the sausage into more bite size pieces. Drop one tbsp of butter into the mixture and let it slowly melt; stir together.
– Cook your rice however you please and if you so desire, add in a tbsp of butter. 
– Ladle the chicken and sausage mixture over rice and serve hot. Delicious!

So yummy – seriously….
So – there you have it. A recipe that serves as a way to begin the process of cleaning out the freezer. So this meal served two purposes: it got rid of food that I just can’t take to Virginia and it made me a happy, full person. If you make this, you too can be a happy, full person! 

Game of Thrones – The Mountain & the Viper

Too good not to use…

Oh gross. Just…gross. There was a whole episode worth of story on Sunday night’s episode of Game of Thrones but the only thought I could process after the last 60 seconds was gross. You see, I even knew what was coming but reading that scene in a book versus watching it come to life on TV is a completely different thing. Gross. Yuck. Nope…let me recap what happened before that…at least the other 58 minutes of the episode didn’t scar my eye tissue.

First and foremost – new city on the map! Well, it was Moat Cailin and that’s not really a city so much as one of the many Northern strongholds, but you get my drift. I have never fast-forwarded through the opening credits because they are awesome and they change from week to week; you have to pay attention!

The action opens in Mole’s Town, where Sam stashed Gilly and baby Sam a few episodes ago…remember that? Gilly is being belittled by one of the ugliest prostitutes I’ve ever seen (she also has the talent of being able to burp some of the more popular tunes in Westeros) but Gilly shuts her up when she realizes that the owl they hear hooting isn’t an owl at all, it’s the Wildings sending signals to one another – let the slaughter begin. And it is a slaughter; Tormund, the Magnar of Thenn, Ygritte and all the other Wildlings just lay waste to Mole’s Town. Blessedly, Ygritte has a moment of kindness when she comes across Gilly hiding with baby Sam, holds a finger to her lips to quiet them and moves on. It’s nice that she saved them but the blood dripping through the floorboards above indicates they are probably the only two people spared.

Ygritte – this was nice but in no way makes up for all the other people you’ve killed just because of a bad break-up. Geez.

We jump right over to Castle Black; which is mere miles from Mole’s Town, where Jon, Sam and the gang are discussing the attack on Mole’s Town – if they were attacked, that means that Castle Black is next. Sam is certain that in taking Gilly to Mole’s Town, he doomed her and it’s his fault because she is surely dead. Edd tells him that Gilly survived Craster, child birth, the White Walkers and the march to Castle Black; she’s much stronger than Sam gives her credit for and she’s probably alive and well. The men come to the realization that they’re in for a battle of epic proportions – 101 versus 1,000 – those aren’t good odds and it’s setting us up for next week’s episode: The Watchers on the Wall, which will be like season two’s Blackwater and keep all the action in one place – at the Wall.
The action moves to Meereen for a scene that was just fine but for me added nothing to the plot. While all the Unsullied and friends wash clothes/bathe in the river, Grey Worm catches a peek at Missandei in all her glory. He’s not shy about staring and later Missandei tells Daenerys about it….while Daenerys is braiding her hair! It’s basically sleepover boy-talk, Westeros style, ha-ha! Daenerys wonders if Grey Worm was interested, he is after all, a eunuch but Missandei assures her that he was interested. The two later meet in the throne room and Missandei tells Grey Worm she is sorry that he was made a eunuch when he was turned into an Unsullied soldier; Grey Worm tells her he is not because all the things that have happened to him thus far have brought him in contact with her. I just have to wonder where this is going because nothing like this happens in the book…Missandei is about ten in the book…but I guess we’ll see. Romance in Meereen…here we go.
Moat Cailin & Theon “Reek” Greyjoy – wouldn’t you want this lovely castle?

Moving back to Westeros, we join Ramsey as he is sending out “Theon Greyjoy” to take back Moat Cailin from the Ironborn that are still holding it captive. He reminds “Theon” that he is really Reek; he’s just playing a part for him – he reinforces this by telling “Theon” that a kraken (they symbol of House Greyjoy) is strong and fierce in the water but put it on land and it collapses, useless and pathetic. Reek understands perfectly and goes to Moat Cailin; makes a halting speech about taking the knee, telling the men they can all go home if they just surrender peacefully; Ramsey will treat them as good as he’s treated Theon – which, not great, but he’s suffering from serious Stockholm Syndrome here, so there you have it.

The leader, Kenning, is refusing to take a knee and Theon/Reek’s about to crack and ruin the whole game when one of the other men smashes Kenning in the head with an axe; the Ironborn do love to whack each other in the head during brave speeches. We cut to that same man, gruesomely flayed because of course Ramsey wasn’t just going to let them go home – anyone with half a brain knew that. Ramsey thanks Theon/Reek for all his help and Theon looks on pathetically. 
The Lion King scene…because that’s basically what it was…

Ramsey meets his father Roose in the midst of the North and as a gift for securing Moat Cailin, Roose gives Ramsey some paperwork that says that; congratulations bastard – you’ve been legitimized by the powers of importance in Westeros! Ramsey is pretty shaken up by this, which is surprising since little to nothing seems to really tug at Ramsey’s heart strings; he’s a sadistic killer you know. Roose then points in all directions, in a very Lion King-esque scene…”everything the light touches is our kingdom…” Okay, he doesn’t really say that, but he points out to Ramsey that the North is extremely vast and he is now the Warden of the North, so it is all theirs for the taking. They then move their armies out towards – Winterfell. I doubt we’ll see these guys again this season and if we do, it will be short and sweet. They’ve set up their arc for season five nicely – so moving on….

To the Eyrie! Petyr is being questioned by the Lords Declarant of the Vale; basically he’s on trial and three of the other castellan’s of the Vale are his judges – he spins some story about Lysa committing suicide, which – hello MAJOR departure from the books. I wondered how this would play out since the death in the books is blamed on Marillion, a singer at the Vale…also a character that has never popped up on the show.
In another huge jump, they call Sansa in to tell her side of the story and instead of telling them she is the niece/daughter of Petyr, she confesses that she is Sansa Stark (seriously – this makes no sense! All the Stark kids are worth millions in Westeros at this point, no one would confess to being a Stark right now – but whatever show writers, take this wherever you’re going…I’m along for the ride) and weaves a story about how Petyr was her only friend and ally; he rescued her from the capitol and the Lannister’s clutches. And then she really drives it home and tells them Lysa DID commit suicide; she saw Petyr give her a fatherly kiss on the cheek and even though they told her it was only given in fatherly affection, she jumped to her death believing Petyr loved Sansa more than his own wife. Sansa turns on the tears and has them utterly and completely convinced – and the look she gives Petyr when no one is looking proves all too well that Sansa has gone from being a pawn in the Game, to being a player.
Wardrobe change!

Once the Lords Declarant have left, Petyr goes to speak with Sansa and asks why she helped him. Sansa plays coy with him, simply telling him “I know what you want”. She leaves it at that, but given the way she saunters down the stairs later in her far more revealing and dramatic wardrobe, she does know what Petyr wants. I still can’t decide if this is creepy or smart on her part – I mean, it’s smart because she DOES know what he wants and she’s using it to her advantage, but Petyr is sleazy – does she really want to go there? I guess she’s playing to live at this point, so maybe so…

We jump back across the Narrow Sea to Meereen for one more scene; Ser Barristan delivers a message to Jorah from the Hand of the King of Westeros – it’s the royal pardon he received way back in season one; the pardon that was granted to him for spying on Daenerys to King Robert. Ser Barristan says he will allow Jorah to tell Daenerys; he won’t spill the beans on him, but he also won’t ever allow him to be alone with Daenerys again. This is another scene I knew was coming but it still hurt – oh, it hurt. Jorah approaches Daenerys in her throne room and she questions why he would ever receive a royal pardon. The story slowly unfolds and while Daenerys listens with a calm demeanor, when it is revealed that not only did Jorah spy on her, but he also reported on her unborn child with Khal Drogo, she is calm no more. She tells him that she never wants to see him again; that she would kill him but doesn’t want to see his face and body fouling her city, she tells him he has until the sun rises to get his things and get out of Meereen or she will throw his head into the river. Jorah pleads for forgiveness, but she tells him never to touch her or speak to her again and the last we see is a very forlorn Jorah riding away from Meereen as the sun rises. 
Step away from the Khaleesi…
We take a quick stop in the Vale again to see The Hound and Arya approaching the Bloody Gate. The Hound is still bothered by the neck wound he received in the most recent episode previous and he is also telling Arya she should get over Joffrey’s death; just because she didn’t get to commit the killing. He also points out poison in a woman’s weapon but Arya tells him that killing is just killing, no matter how it is done and she’d have killed Joffrey with a chicken bone if she’d had to. Once they arrive at the Bloody Gate, they are informed that Lysa Arryn (Arya’s aunt, who The Hound planned to ransom her to) died just three days previous – and Arya erupts into laughter that can only be called hysterical – because, what else is she supposed to do? This was funny, if only because of that crazy laughter.
Sometimes you’ve just got to laugh so you don’t cry….

We finally move to King’s Landing for the main event – the battle that the episode is named after – the Mountain and the Viper. We first check in with Tyrion and Jaime, who have a post-trail by combat discussion about their dim-witted cousin Orson. Orson spent all his time smashing beetles and Tyrion always wondered why but could never quite figure it out but Jaime tells him that men, women and children die needlessly every day – why is Tyrion concerned with beetles? The bell sounds signifying that the time for reckoning has arrived – will Tyrion be just another beetle that is needlessly smashed for a wrong he didn’t commit? Jaime wishes him luck with a droopy face and we move to the arena at the Red Keep.

Bless her – I hope she enjoyed that kiss…

Oberyn is delightfully cocky about the whole battle; he has vengeance on his mind and believes that nothing will stand in the way of his victory; telling Tyrion that “today is not the day I die” which should immediately set off alarm bells for anyone with sense. His paramour Ellaria gasps when she sees The Mountain and exclaims “you’re fighting that???” to which Oberyn tells her “I’m killing that”. She gives him a final kiss and one of the men in their pavilion hands Oberyn a spear; a spear that if you were watching closely, he was wiping down. Now, if you’ve read the books you know that Oberyn is called the Red Viper because poison is his weapon of choice and he knows numerous ways to kill someone with just the smallest poke of a spear – all it takes is a little “strike” from the Red Viper to do you in.

The two combatants are introduced and the battle begins and it has to be the best fight scene ever in the past four seasons of Game of Thrones. Oberyn dances and spins around the Mountain, taunting him, deftly dodging the huge man’s hacks and jabs, spinning gracefully out of the way and wearing him down. He finally makes a sharp upper thrust through the middle of the Mountain’s gut and then pokes him in the leg, the arm…a cleanly delivered blow through the middle and all those little pokes render him motionless on the ground, struggling for breath. And then Oberyn lets his fatal flaw get in the way – there is a reason we call those flaws fatal…
And you only thought you knew how this ended…

Oberyn is in this battle not for Tyrion but for vengeance; to get justice for his long-departed sister Elia. He circles the Mountain, taunting him, imploring him to confess that he killed Elia’s children, he raped Elia and then murdered her. He chants louder and louder, circling closer and closer to the Mountain…and then, it happens. As he circles in closer, the Mountain reaches out a hand and jerks him to the ground, pinning him beneath his immense body weight. As he screams that yes, he did kill Elia’s children, he did rape Elia and then kill her, he grinds his fingers into Oberyn’s eyes and crushes his skull to pulp with his bare hands. As Oberyn’s skull explodes in a pile of gore and Ellaria screams in horror, Tywin stands up and announces that the victor of the trial by combat is the Mountain – which means that Tyrion is sentenced to death. Tyrion’s face goes white and the screen fades to black…and I felt the need to run puke in the toilet. Gross.

I’d make that face too if I’d just watched my lover’s head get crushed like a melon…

Only two episodes left this season – hopefully with less gore than this episode. I can’t stand anymore head smashes like that; it wins the award for goriest moment in thrones history…and that’s saying a lot! I leave you with the picture that Pedro Pascal (the gentleman who plays Oberyn Martell) tweeted after the episode of himself and Lena Headey (the woman who plays Cersei Lannister), with the caption “I swear, I can’t get rid of this headache….too soon?” Ha – oh well, that’s what I get for being a fan of Game of Thrones, right?

Ha-ha….I think….

What I Was Into in May

Well – here we are again – another month has come to an end and I feel like I always end these post by mentioning how the past month was a lot of same old, same old…but Lord knows May was anything but! I realize that I don’t know what the rest of the months in the year 2014 hold, but I do know May held the biggest surprise for me because I finally had that life changing moment when someone bought my house! Granted, I’ve already devoted a post (or two…) to that subject, so I’ll just continue this one on course.

Books I Read

A Dance of Dragons
by George R.R. Martin – I said this would happen…and it did. Almost as soon as I finished reading A Feast for Crows, I moved right on to A Dance of Dragons because it just feels wrong to stop in the middle of a series – you know? Nothing different in this reading; it’s still just as excellent but some of the characters on the television show are already starting to catch up with their story lines from book five. The show is in season four, Martin has only completed book five of a seven part series and I sure hope he’s putting the finishing touches on book 6. I like to read my stories before I watch them play out – so start writing George!!!

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green – Which made me emotional; oh my. I won’t go into any deep descriptions of the book here but it is about two teenagers; Hazel and Augustus, who meet in group therapy for cancer. They go about falling in love and of course, since cancer is involved there are all kinds of tugs on the heart strings. A really good book though and I look forward to seeing the movie in June!

Excellent (& quick) read!

Books In the Queue

I’m going to put this section on hold for this month because all my books – except those loaded onto my tablet, which have all been read – are boxed up! So, there really aren’t any books in my queue because they are currently huddled in cardboard. I love you books…hang on until we get to Virginia!

Can’t Miss Television

Game of Thrones
 – The show really continues to knock it out of the park this season; the action started in episode one and hasn’t slowed down. I’m honestly so fascinated by how quickly they are moving certain characters while others just (literally) plod along. I’m also intrigued by how they have changed up certain aspects of the story from the books; some changes I understand completely and others just leave me scratching my head. Either way, there are three more episodes to go – I guess I’ll have to find a covert way to watch the season finale since my cable is (most likely) a goner after June 11th and the finale is on June 15th. I’m sure I’ll find a way – it’s Game of Thrones; it can’t be missed. Ha-ha! I do have to add that the most recent episode (which technically fell in June) made me feel a little sick at the end; it’s amazing that you know what is coming and it still makes you feel ill. Blegh.

Just a few of the multitude of characters on the show…

Fargo – Well, this show has gotten much darker as the season has progressed but it still manages to be funny; it’s darkly funny. I guess that’s what a dark comedy is, right? Martin Freeman’s character; Lester, still continues to be my favorite character although I’ve taken quite an interest in Molly and Gus (played by Alison Tolman and Colin Hanks, respectively)…which may have taken quite a turn in the most recent episode I saw…I guess we’ll see how it plays out. I think the reason that Lester is such an interesting character is because he seems to have made the biggest change so far – when the show started he was put down and put upon by everyone but once Lorne Malvo (Billy Bob Thornton)  put a tiny idea in his head about what he deserved and what he should and shouldn’t be able to get away with…well, that was all it took. I’m intrigued to see if all his subterfuge, sneakiness and willingness to do whatever it takes will pay off in the end….because he is certainly using it to get away with quite a lot at this point…

The brains (the girl, of course) & the…well…that guy is a doofus.

Movies I Watched

The Amazing Spiderman 2 – I really enjoyed this outing with Spiderman and I’ll confess that as much as I loved the Tobey Maguire age of Spiderman, Andrew Garfield just does it all so much better – I love his Peter Parker/Spiderman! I also love Emma Stone, so they are basically the perfect combo for me! This chapter of the Spidey tale explored Peter’s struggle to stay away (unsuccessfully) from Gwen while uncovering more information about his parents and working on his Spiderman persona. I will say that while I really liked this movie, I felt like it could have ended about twenty minutes sooner than it did; the last bit of it seemed like an unnecessary add-on…but I read somewhere they are setting up for another one of the many Marvel universe movies. Oh well, it was still a great movie!

amazing spider-man 2 andrew garfield and kid
Cuteness overload!

The Perks of Being A Wallflower – I wanted to see this when it came out over a year ago, but since Mississippi (or at least puny little Collinsville/Meridian) doesn’t like movies that are considered “small” or “independent” – I just had to wait. I had a free preview of Showtime about mid-May and I saw that this was one of the movies on the free preview and I immediately set the DVR to record it. The story centers on Charlie, a high school freshman who has been through some sort of tragedy (it’s not revealed until the end of the film) and hopes he’ll find friends in high school. He gets taken in by a group of seniors who call themselves wallflowers – each one is somewhat quirky – and the story progresses from there. I loved this movie. Loved it – loved Emma Watson especially, but now I need to get to reading the book!

I quite love this movie.

The Way Way Back – I knew next to nothing about this movie except that it had Steve Carrell in it and I love Steve, so I recorded it on HBO and was really pleased with it; I’d heard good things but not enough to really get the idea of the film. The story centers on Duncan, a shy teenager who spends his summer at the beach with his Mom, his Mom’s awful boyfriend (Steve Carrell) and the boyfriend’s teenage daughter. Duncan is shy and tends to let people walk all over him, but when he stumbles onto the local water park, Water Whiz and the owner, Owen gives him a job and takes him under his wing. Over the course of the summer, Duncan learns to stand up for himself and in the process, stands up for his Mom as well. This movie was great – funny and touching, I highly recommend it!

Excellent movie – well worth an hour & 45 minutes of your time!

Music I Listened To

Am I Wrong by Nico & Vinz – a feel good, catchy type of pop song that I discovered when I finally used my iTunes radio feature while I was packing for moving…or Colorado…I can’t remember which, but I was packing up something. Lindsey and I jammed out to this on multiple occasions while cruising around Colorado Springs!

Happy by Pharrell – another feel good little tune, I seem to be into those this past month, huh? I guess all the moving excitement just has me feeling especially “happy” and so I’m gravitating towards those type songs, ha-ha! Hearing this song reminds me that I still need to see Despicable Me 2 and it also reminds me of dancing at the graduation ball with my sister, cousins and Aunt and Uncle. Good times!

Yummy in My Tummy

Spicy & Sweet Crock Pot Chicken – A random concoction that I imagined up when I was bored. You might laugh when I share what all is in this; but oh well, it tasted delicious! I combined (brace yourself, it’s a little odd…) chicken broth, honey, chili powder and coffee (yes, coffee) together and cooked my chicken tenders in the crock pot, covered in all of that goodness. It was juicy, with a hint of sweet, a hint of spicy and a hint of a little something different….courtesy of the coffee. It was really good!

*The computer wants to auto-correct crock pot to crack pot, because I’m obviously A) insane or B) doing drugs. I love it!*

Cookies – I cannot remember where my Mom said she got the cookies, but my sister had the most delicious iced sugar cookies at her graduation party and they were divine! Luckily enough, I got to have another of those delicious cookies just a day or so later at the wedding reception we went to. Hooray sugar cookies!

What I’m Looking Forward to in June


Yep…this is about right…

Did you get that I’m excited about moving? Actually, I guess I’m excited about getting moved; the actual packing of boxes and dealing with all the things that come with it are slightly annoying – I would be lying if I said I hadn’t seriously considered throwing most of it into the yard and lighting it on fire. I won’t though, I promise. I’ll get it all boxed up and ready to go before June 10th. I promise.

So – there you go. A little bit shorter than usual but it is what it is. I hope everyone has an enjoyable June; I know I’m certainly planning to! Eleven days till I’m a Virginia girl! Yahoo!

Final Grad Week Photo Dump…Plus Some…

The last group of photo dump pictures…because if you haven’t seen on Facebook (okay, maybe you haven’t…) but I think I might have taken close to 400 pictures. Do enjoy these pictures and let me go ahead & tell you that the blog might be slow over the next two weeks – the only internet I will have is at the office.

My modem has decided to go ahead and die on me, and since I’ll be vacating the premises in less than 10 days, I just went ahead and called AT&T and got the internet cancelled because…hey…no reason to be paying for something I can’t use! Anyway, enjoy this post filled with pictures and I’ll get back to this whenever I have the chance!

I really do love all the hats associated with Lindsey’s uniforms…even though they don’t fit my big ol head!

She’s a graduate folks!

One last shot in front of the AOG – check out my foxy sunglasses, ha-ha!

Family Photo! We’re so colorful….

Lindsey & Kaylon just hanging out during Dan & Janelle’s wedding rehearsal…Lindsey looking all fierce & such….

The Broadmoor in all it’s glory – I loooovvveee this place!

We can’t behave ourselves when we get together…oops…

Did you know geese have teeth on their tongues? A fascinating fact my cousin Kyleigh taught me this week…

Re-enacting a shot from five years ago, minus cousin Kellan….we were a little bit giggly…

A party was going on at the Broadmoor – we couldn’t get in, so we (myself, Lindsey & Kyleigh) danced around in the lobby. We don’t need no velvet rope to get down!

Releasing all the party balloons on Friday morning…

Pikes Peak – glorious as ever….

Lindsey singing at Dan & Janelle’s wedding…she sang “A Thousand Years”…

Exchanging rings!

The new Mr. & Mrs. Cook – so sweet!

Lindsey & the rest of the saber arch, making sure they get their kiss just right before they can proceed…

A stand of Aspen trees – they were everywhere…

Some deer that came to visit us….

Wedding food – Kansas City style BBQ with baked beans, potato salad & macaroni…and dessert, a delicious cookie & the Bride’s drink – sweet tea, lemonade & vodka! 

Two rainbows instead of one – how awesome??

It started raining as we snapped this – rain drops smacking you in the eyeballs always gives you a funny look, ha-ha!

I love this sweet little chica!

Hello gorgeous view!

The kissing camels share a kiss in the setting sun…

The rain retreating in the distance…adios rain clouds!

Absolutely gorgeous – sigh – never get tired of these views.

I think Lindsey has a LOT of stuff! 🙂

Airport chaos…

I love you Southwest – we got bulkhead seats! Hello leg room!!

The plains of Colorado as we left Denver…

Fluffy little clouds…

Riding into the storm clouds…

You know you’re in Louisiana when you see the swamps…

My Grandma kept telling me they were going to land the plane in the swamp….ooooh weee…

And now just a couple pictures from the rest of the weekend…since I returned home around 7 on Saturday night!

He has discovered his car seat is in the house & he is in LOVE.

Loving on my sweet babies on my second to last Sunday as the nursery coordinator!

I missed this sweet face while I was gone!

Well – there you have it! The final photo dump from the whirlwind week in Colorado! As I said, I’ll try to stay faithful to all this business but I can only do so much without the internet! Hope y’all have a wonderful week ahead!