Pickle Chicken…yep…

So – I’m pretty sure if you read the title of this this post, you are thinking that I’m about nuts. And I am. I will totally agree with you on that one. I read an article last week on Yahoo.com called “17 Uses for Pickle Juice”, which you can read here to prove I’m not making this up. One of the things on the list says that you should marinate chicken in pickle juice and it will taste like fried chicken when cooked. So I thought, well hey…why not?

Guess what – I’m nuts. I did it even though it sounds absolutely crazy and well…yeah… I should have known that this one was a big ol no. But I’m always game to try cooking new things. I’ll move forward with caution from now on – especially when the marinade is made from crazed cucumber juices…

The chicken and the marinade…

Supper or a science expermient gone wrong?

It looked like normal chicken…nothing too weird here…

Can you tell that the tender on the right has a greenish tinge? It does – trust me. It is pickle juice colored….

The finished product – it looks alright.

Let me say this – it wasn’t bad. It also wasn’t good. The only thing I could think of comparing it to is when you buy chicken on a stick at the fair and you eat a piece of the chicken next to the pickle – it tasted like that. It tasted about like you would expect chicken soaked in pickle juice to taste. Not awful but it certainly did not taste like fried chicken. Not like any fried chicken I’ve ever tasted that is…

Will I make it again? Nope! Do you want to make it? Probably not. But if so, then there really is much of a recipe. Soak the chicken in pickle juice and then cook it. And then pucker up…

Thank goodness I had peas and mashed potatoes…

I didn’t eat all the chicken – but I guess thats okay because I have my very own little clean-up crew. He quickly handled the peices I didn’t eat and seemed quite pleased to do so. Thank goodness or I would have felt like I wasted chicken…

Watson says “I think it tastes fine Momma – gimme some more!”

4 thoughts on “Pickle Chicken…yep…

  1. i've heard that chickfila does it and so when you fry chicken with batter you should first marinate it in pickle juice to help it taste like chick fil a's 🙂


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