In Review…

Well – as I write this it is Monday evening. The “worst” day of the week has come and is almost gone; I can see the sun sinking through the trees outside my back window and I’m seriously contemplating a bubble bath once I finish this post. And then sleep…so much sleep. I haven’t slept well the past two nights in a row, I’m hoping tonight is different.

The past week was good – it went by much too quickly, as seems to be the case when it comes to most anything good. There are quite a few pictures this week and maybe more little stories than usual; this will all depend on how fiercely this headache I seem to be getting wants to fight me as I type. If it stays a dull throb in the center of my forehead, maybe I’ll write a lot. If it ratchets up to something more substantial then it will be a quick play by play. So…the past week in review. Off we go!

Monday morning stretching….

Just randomly took a selfie on Monday on my lunch break…not sure why…but I thought it turned out pretty good.

The royal baby was born on Monday, July 22nd! As much as I was hoping it might be a princess, it was instead a little prince. A little prince named George Alexander Louis! What a mouthful for someone so small. Granted, his life is already destined for majestic things although he won’t have any clue just what a fuss his birth elicited for quite some time yet. It seems from all I’ve seen and read about the Duke and Duchess (really, aren’t they a Prince and Princess? I mean…whatever…Lindsey could probably set me straight on all things royal) that little Georgie is in good hands and will probably grow up quite well. I think Kate is very much like the late, great Princess Diana – and the United Kingdom and the British Monarchy are all the better for it in my humble opinion. So – congratulations to Baby Cambridge! And maybe read this article in your spare time…ha-ha!

Watching the Royal Baby Edition of the ABC News at the gym….

Easily my favorite tweet about the new little prince – completely cracked me up.

So – after 9 weeks of walking here at the house and spending the last two-three weeks feeling like I was fighting the treadmill, I finally had to admit defeat when the thing wouldn’t let me get but a couple steps without locking up completely. Boo! I admitted defeat in the form of joining a gym. I am not the biggest fan of gyms for many reasons: I can’t sing loudly and off key to my music because Lordy, people would stare. They also have gigantic mirrors that you can see yourself in and I really don’t like my reflection some days. I suppose that is the main reason I’m in the gym in the first place, but still. Happily, within just 24 hours of joining I discovered that a dear friend goes to the Zumba class (second discovery!) every Tuesday and Thursday night. Time passes really quickly walking on the treadmill when you are yapping with someone and Zumba is actually really fun! So now I’m a week in and I think I’m actually going to enjoy it. Who knew?

Exactly – I thought I was fat in 12th grade & I might have worn a size 8. Can I please be that “fat” again…

Joined the gym – and even though it doesn’t look like it; I hate the mirrors.

Wednesday night supper – so delicious. Recipe in one of my precious posts.

Let me just say – for someone who is “scared” of flying, I’ve really become quite the jet-setter in the past year. I’m bound for Colorado Springs in just thirty days and I realized as I was traveling to Virginia at the beginning of this month that by the end of August I will have flown seven times in the past twelve months! Which is more than both my parents or my younger sister have flown this year. Not bad for a chick who just a few years ago wasn’t sure how I’d ever manage to get anywhere on an airplane; let alone on an airplane on my own. It’s all kind of old hat at this point…but man, I’m already praying that this time around I don’t have any of the issues that came with my most recent flights. Maybe the fact that I’m flying American instead of Delta this time will help? Here’s hoping…

Another trip…I’m becoming so jet set!

Thursday morning blues…mostly because it was raining.

I’m kind of obsessed with my navy blue pedicure (still) and I thought it looked great with my peach dress.

Sunset on the way home from the gym on Thursday…

Friday night frog friend!

Oh my – on Friday night I was just sitting at home, minding my own business and watching a little TV when my phone rang. It was my friend Hope, inviting me to come visit her and her precious grandson Micah. When a baby is involved, you don’t have to ask me twice – especially when the baby in question is as wonderful as dear little Micah! Micah had been to the doctor on Friday but he’s an awfully tough little guy because in spite of three shots, he was in the sweetest mood and we had some pretty good conversations, if I do say so myself. We talked about pulling his cat’s tail when he’s a little older and about his silly uncles. The time I spent with Micah and Hope on Friday night was easily the best part of my Friday!

Hanging out with Micah on Friday night – he’s the best.

My Micah collage – so many cute pictures; had to compile them!

It was dreary on Saturday morning and this one had no interest in doing anything more than taking naps all over the house…

A very cool moth on the house – and he’s “wearing” USM colors. Nice!

See – just napping in another spot.

Watson literally napped all day Saturday. I kid you not – he basically moved from spot to spot throughout the house and slept. Every once in a while he would get up to nibble a bite of food or run a few circles around the yard but then he would always find somewhere else to nap and be out like a light in no time. He slept in his bed, on the guest bed, on the couch (more than once) on the front porch, in the grass, in the chair, on my bed and even on his rug in the kitchen. Geez…I don’t know how he sleeps so much sometimes, but he is certainly dedicated to it.

I cleaned all day Saturday – therefore I had to take a picture of my extremely clean glass front door. Ha-ha!

Oh – you just vacuumed this rug? Well let me rub fur all over it then…

Finishing our Game of Thrones marathon on Saturday evening – at least, kind of finishing it. I stopped after Episode 8; I can’t watch the Red Wedding again.

Nap no. 4,593.384 of Saturday….he loses interest in Game of Thrones when there are no dragons…

This face is just too precious. Love this little furball to death!

I re-arranged the living room on Tuesday night (I had lots of Zumba energy) and finally took pictures of it on Saturday night…

I had no clue what I was going to eat on Sunday when I got home from church but as I was walking through my kitchen headed for the bedroom on Saturday night, I was struck with the thought that I had chicken tenders and barbecue sauce; both of which would go into a crock pot and cook up quite nicely. I threw it all in there, turned in to low and after a not so good night’s sleep and a jaunt to church, I had quite the delicious Sunday dinner. Which made for really good Monday lunch leftovers. Delicious!

Delicious Sunday lunch – if I do say so myself…

Someone stole my seat when I went to get more tea….

True Blood continues to amaze me this season – it’s like the writers realized how absolutely insane last season got and so they are slowly trimming away at the characters that caused the crazy. The show is focusing in on the core cast, weeding out the weirdos and really streamlining the writing. This season has been excellent; maybe one of the best seasons since the show started (which is saying something because I loved season 4 – it was very Eric-centric) and I’m glad to know it’s been renewed for a seventh season. This time last season I was seriously concerned as to where they were going to take it in season six – season six is proving to be pretty great and my confidence in the show has been renewed. Plus – while they are; for the most part, paring down the weird characters they did add a (weird) character that I love. Can we say hello to…is it Warlow? Ben? Benlow? I don’t know…he has too many names. He looks good though. Ha-ha!

I leave you with a picture of me watching True Blood last night in my truly fierce penguin pajama pants. Nothing says supernatural thriller quite like fuzzy penguin pants – but hey, it is what it is. My headache has stayed at bay and it is now time for a lovely bubble bath. Hope you’ve had a good Monday and I hope your Tuesday is good – I certainly hope my Tuesday is better than my Monday!

Wearing my fierce penguin pajamas to watch True Blood on Sunday night – nothing screams hardcore like penguin pajamas, am I right?

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